Facts on English-speaking countries and territories


A country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country.

10 facts about India


Is a country that is part of the United Kingdom.

10 facts about England


Is an island nation situated in the Caribbean Sea.

10 facts about Jamaica


Is an island nation situated in the Caribbean Sea.

10 facts about Jamaica


Is a country that is part of the United Kingdom.

10 facts about Scotland


Is a country in East Africa. Lying along the Indian Ocean, at the equator.

10 facts about Kenya


Is a country in South Asia.

10 facts about Pakistan


Is a country located in west Central Africa.

10 facts about Cameroon


Is a country located in West Africa.

10 facts about Ghana


Is a country comprising the mainland of the Australian continent,

10 facts about Australia


Is a country situated in South Africa and officially known as the Federal Republic of Nigeria,

10 facts about Nigeria


Is a sovereign state located in the western Pacific Ocean, and is a part of Southeast Asia.

10 facts about Philippines

South Africa

Is a country located at the southernmost tip of Africa and officially known as the Republic of South Africa.

10 facts about South Africa


Is an East African country officially known as the United Republic of Tanzania.

10 facts about Tanzania


Is a country in North America and is made up of 10 provinces and 3 territories.

10 facts about Canada


Is a landlocked East African country officially known as the Republic Of Uganda.

10 facts about Uganda


Is the largest country on the African continent located in the northeast dominated by the Nile and its tributaries.

10 facts about Sudan


Is a landlocked country in the Sub-Saharan Africa bordered by Zambia to the North West, Tanzania to the North East and Mozambique on the East, South and West.

10 facts about Malawi


Is a landlocked country located in Southern Africa, east of Angola and north of Botswana and Zimbabwe.

10 facts about Zambia


Is a landlocked country located in the southern part of Africa between the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers.

10 facts about Zimbabwe


Is located in Western Africa and borders the North Atlantic Ocean to the west, Mauritania to the north, Mali to the east and Guinea and Guinea-Bissau to the south.

10 facts about Senegal


Is a landlocked country in East/Central Africa, bordered by Uganda to north, Burundi in the south, Democratic Republic of the Congo on the West and Tanzania to the East.

10 facts about Rwanda

South Sudan

Is a landlocked country located in east-central Africa.

10 facts about South Sudan

Hong Kong

Is a Special Administrative region of the People’s Republic of China.

10 facts about Hong Kong

Papua New Guinea

Is a country located in Oceania and occupies the eastern half of New Guinea as well as numerous other offshore islands.

10 facts about Papua New Guinea

Sierra Leone

Is a country in West Africa, officially known as the Republic of Sierra Leone.

10 facts about Sierra Leone


Is an island city-state located in Southeast Asia at the extreme southern end of the Malay Peninsula

10 facts about Singapore

New Zealand

Is an island country located in the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean.

10 facts about New Zealand


Is a country situated in West Africa and officially known as the Republic of Liberia.

10 facts about Liberia


Is an enclave surrounded by the Republic of South Africa.

10 facts about Lesotho


Is located in Southern Africa and bordered on the north by Angola and Zambia, on the south by South Africa, on the east by Botswana and on the west by the Atlantic Ocean

10 facts about Namibia


Is a landlocked country located in southern Africa bordered by Namibia to the west and north, Zimbabwe to the northeast and South Africa to the south.

10 facts about Botswana


Is bordered to the north, east and south by Senegal with a small coast on the Atlantic Ocean in the west.

10 facts about Gambia

Trinidad and Tobago

Is located on the southernmost corner of the Caribbean Sea and lies northeast of Venezuela amd Guyana, just south of Grenada and Barbados.

10 facts about Trinidad and Tobago


Is located in the South-west of the Indian Ocean off the east coast of Madagascar in Southern Africa

10 facts about Mauritius


Is an amalgamation of 33 islands which is located in the Arabian Gulf which are situated between the east coast of Saudi Arabia and the Qatar Peninsula.

10 facts about Bahrain


Is a small landlocked African country bordered by South Africa & Mozambique.

10 facts about Swaziland


Is an archipelago comprising of a cluster of 332 islands, located in Melanesia in the South Pacific Ocean.

10 facts about Fiji


Is situated on the Atlantic Ocean north of the equator on the mainland of South America.

10 facts about Guyana

Solomon Islands

Is a scattered archipelago of about 1,000 mountainous islands and low-lying coral atolls situated in Melanesia that lies to the east of Papua New Guinea.

10 facts about Solomon Islands


Is an archipelago in the North Atlantic Ocean, west of Senegal, in Western Africa.

10 facts about Malta


Is a small enclave wedged between the states of Sarawak and Sabah on the Malaysian side of Borneo in Southeast Asia.

10 facts about Brunei


Is a North American archipelago nation with about 700 islands located in the Atlantic Ocean.

10 facts about Bahamas


Is located in Central America and bordered by Mexico to the north, south and west by Guatemala and east by the turquoise Caribbean Sea.

10 facts about Belize


Is an island country located in the western area of the North Atlantic Ocean east of the Caribbean Sea and belongs to the Lesser Antilles.

10 facts about Barbados


Is an island nation between Fiji and New Caledonia in the West South Pacific Ocean.

10 facts about Vanuatu


is a country encompassing the western part of the Samoan Islands in the South Pacific Ocean.

10 facts about Samoa

Hong Kong

A city-state and a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.

10 facts about Hong Kong


A sovereign city-state and island country in Southeast Asia.

10 facts about Singapore

Saint Lucia

Is the second largest of the Windward Islands located in the eastern Caribbean Sea as part of the Lesser Antilles.

10 facts about Saint Lucia

