Ten fun facts about Ethiopia

Image of Ethiopia

Ten fun facts about Ethiopia

Image of Ethiopia

1. Coffee is More Than Just a Beverage in Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, coffee is more than just a beverage - it's a way of life. Coffee was first discovered in Ethiopia, and to this day, coffee ceremonies are a traditional part of life in homes across the country. It's considered to be very rude to decline coffee when it's offered to you, as it's seen as a sign of respect and hospitality.

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2. 13-Month Calendar Unique to Ethiopia Lags Behind Western World

In Ethiopia, the calendar is unique in that it has 13 months, with 30 days in each month except for the last one, which has only 5-6 days. The New Year begins on September 11th, and the Ethiopian calendar is lagging behind the western calendar by almost eight years. This means that while the western world is celebrating 2021, Ethiopians are celebrating 2013.

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3. Ethiopia's Unique Script

Ethiopia stands out from the rest of the African countries due to its unique script. This script, known as Ge'ez, is the only native script used in Africa and is believed to have been in use since the 4th century. It is still used today in the liturgical language of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, and is also used to write the Amharic language, the official language of Ethiopia. Ge'ez is written from left to right, and is composed of syllabic symbols, which represent consonants and vowels.

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4. A Country with a Legendary Connection to the Queen of Sheba

In Ethiopia, a large portion of the population proudly trace their lineage back to the legendary Queen of Sheba, Makeda, and King Solomon of Jerusalem. This ancient connection is deeply rooted in Ethiopian culture and is celebrated in many of the country's traditional stories and songs. It is believed that Makeda and Solomon's union resulted in the birth of a son, Menelik I, who is credited with establishing the Solomonic dynasty that ruled Ethiopia for centuries.

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5. Ethiopia's Unique Television Network

In 2013, Ethiopia was the only country in the world with a single television broadcast network, and it was a government-controlled one. Ethiopian Network was the sole provider of television programming, and it was heavily regulated by the government. This meant that the content available to viewers was limited and heavily censored, with only certain topics and stories being allowed to be broadcast. Despite this, Ethiopian Network still managed to remain popular among viewers, providing them with news, entertainment, and educational programming.

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6. Unique Country in Africa

Ethiopia is a unique country in Africa, as it is one of the few that was never colonized. However, it was occupied by the Italians from 1936 to 1941, during which time the Italians attempted to establish a colony in the region. Despite their efforts, Ethiopia was able to successfully resist the Italian occupation and maintain its independence. This makes Ethiopia one of the few African countries that has never been colonized, and a source of pride for its citizens.

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7. Ethiopia's Teff Grain is a Unique and Nutritious Grain

Ethiopia is home to the world's smallest grain, Teff, which has been around since 4000BC to 1000BC. This gluten-free grain is packed with nutrients and is used to make the traditional Ethiopian dish, Injera. Injera is a flatbread made from Teff flour and is a staple in Ethiopian cuisine. Teff is a versatile grain that can be used to make a variety of dishes, from breakfast porridge to savory stews.

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8. Ethiopia's Water Reserve Could Help Address Drought

Ethiopia is home to the largest water reserve on the African continent, with more than 10 rivers flowing through it. Unfortunately, the irrigation system is inadequate, leading to an inefficient distribution of water. This has caused a significant strain on the country's resources, with many areas suffering from water shortages and drought. To address this issue, the government has implemented a number of initiatives to improve the irrigation system and ensure that water is distributed more evenly.

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9. A Country steeped in history and religious significance

Ethiopia is a country steeped in history and religious significance. It is mentioned almost 40 times in the Bible, and is also referenced in the Koran, making it a country of great importance to both Christianity and Islam. This is reflected in the population of Ethiopia, which is largely made up of Christians, Jews and Muslims, making it a truly diverse and unique nation.

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10. The world's oldest Christian book found in Ethiopia

The ancient Ethiopian monastery of Axum is home to a remarkable discovery - the world's oldest Christian book, written in 494 AD. This gospel of sorts is a remarkable testament to the history of Christianity, with its bindings and colors still intact after centuries of preservation. It is a unique and invaluable artifact, offering a glimpse into the past and a reminder of the power of faith.

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Is the country situated in the “Horn of Africa”.


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