Ten fun facts about Gerald Ford

Image of Gerald Ford

Ten fun facts about Gerald Ford

Image of Gerald Ford

1. 38th President of the United States, Jerry Ford Jr.

Gerald Rudolph 'Jerry' Ford Jr., born on July 14th, 1913, was an American politician who served as the 38th President of the United States from 1974 to 1977. He was the only president to have never been elected to either the presidency or the vice-presidency, having been appointed to both offices after the resignations of his predecessors. Ford passed away on December 26th, 2006, at the age of 93, leaving behind a legacy of integrity and dedication to public service.

AlsoGerald Ford's Memorial in Grand Rapids


2. First Person Sworn In Under 25th Amendment

Gerald Ford was a remarkable figure in American history, serving as the 38th President of the United States from 1974 to 1977. Prior to that, he was the Vice President of the United States from 1973 to 1974, and was the first person to be sworn in as Vice President under the terms of the 25th Amendment. This amendment, which was ratified in 1967, established procedures for filling a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, and Ford was the first to be sworn in under its terms.

AlsoFord, 38th US Prez, Born in MI's Grand Rapids

3. Unelected VP & President

Gerald Ford is a unique figure in American history, as he is the only person to have served as both Vice President and President of the United States without ever being formally elected by the Electoral College. Ford was appointed Vice President in 1973 after the resignation of Spiro Agnew, and then became President in 1974 following the resignation of Richard Nixon. This made him the first and only person to ascend to the highest office in the land without being elected by the Electoral College.

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4. Only President to Earn Eagle Scout Rank

Gerald Ford was an Eagle Scout, the highest rank achievable in The Boy Scouts of America. As a young boy, he worked hard to earn this prestigious rank, making him the only President in history to have achieved it. Ford was a dedicated member of the Boy Scouts, and his commitment to the organization was rewarded with the highest honor.

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5. Gerald Ford Gets Lone Sailor Award from Navy Memorial

Gerald Ford served in the U.S Navy during World War II, where he was awarded the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal with 9 engagement stars for his participation in various operations. His service was further recognized by the U.S Navy Memorial Foundation, who presented him with the prestigious 'Lone Sailor Award' in recognition of his exemplary service.

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6. 25 Yrs. of Advocacy for Constituents

Gerald Ford served in the House of Representatives for an impressive 25 years, representing the Grand Rapids congressional district. During his time in the House, Ford was a staunch advocate for his constituents, working hard to ensure their needs were met and their voices heard. He was a respected leader in the House, and his dedication to the people of Grand Rapids was unwavering.

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7. Gerald Ford Becomes House Minority Leader

Gerald Ford had his sights set on a higher office than Senator or Governor of Michigan - he wanted to become the Speaker of the House. As such, he declined offers to run for either of those positions, instead choosing to focus on his ambition to become Speaker. Ford's ambition was ultimately fulfilled in 1965, when he was elected to the position of House Minority Leader.

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8. Gerald Ford's controversial pardon of Richard Nixon

Gerald Ford's decision to issue Proclamation 4311, which granted Richard Nixon a full presidential pardon for any and all crimes he committed while in office, sparked a huge controversy. The pardon was seen by many as an attempt to protect Nixon from the consequences of his actions, and it was met with widespread criticism from both sides of the political aisle. Despite the backlash, Ford stood by his decision, believing that it was the right thing to do for the country.

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9. President Ford's Failed Efforts to Combat Inflation

In an effort to combat the economic downturn and rising inflation, President Gerald Ford created the Economic Policy Board by Executive Order and launched the 'Whip Inflation Now' program, which called on American citizens to take part in the fight against inflation. The program included a range of initiatives, such as encouraging citizens to save more, buy American-made products, and reduce energy consumption. Ford's efforts were ultimately unsuccessful, but his commitment to tackling the economic crisis was admirable.

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10. Active Member of GOP

After his presidency, Gerald Ford remained an active member of the Republican Party, attending events, giving speeches, and endorsing candidates. He was a strong advocate for the party, and his presence was often sought after at rallies and conventions. He was a vocal supporter of Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign in 1980, and he also endorsed George H.W. Bush in 1988. Ford's commitment to the Republican Party was unwavering, and he was a beloved figure among party members until his death in 2006.

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Short about Gerald Ford
Was the 38th President of the United States serving from 1974 to 1977.

