Ten fun facts about Agricola

Ten fun facts about Agricola

1. Roman Governor Great Military Leader

Gnaeus Julius Agricola was born on 13 July 40 AD into a prominent family in southern France, which was then part of the Roman Empire. His family was highly respected and held a high-ranking position in the Roman society. Agricola was well-educated and had a successful career in the Roman military, eventually becoming the Governor of Britain in 78 AD. He is remembered for his military campaigns in Britain and for his writings on the subject of Roman Britain.

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2. Roman Governor, Agricola, was a formidable conqueror

As governor of Britain, Agricola was a formidable conqueror, expanding the Roman Empire's reach into northern England, Scotland, and Wales. He was successful in his campaigns, taking control of large swathes of land and establishing Roman rule in these areas. His success in these campaigns was a major factor in the eventual Romanization of Britain.

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3. Agricola, Roman General and Father of Tacitus' History

Agricola, a prominent figure in Roman history, is well known to us today due to the detailed biography written by his son-in-law, the historian Tacitus. This biography, which has survived to this day, provides us with a wealth of information about Agricola's life, including his military campaigns, his political career, and his personal life.

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4. Military Tribune Who Suppressed Boudicca Uprising

Agricola began his illustrious career as a military tribune in Britain, where he may have played a role in the suppression of the Boudicca uprising of 61 AD. This uprising was led by the Celtic queen Boudicca, who sought to reclaim her people's lands from the Roman Empire. Agricola's involvement in this event would have been a significant milestone in his career, and a testament to his military prowess.

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5. Roman Governor A Vespasian Ally

During the civil war of 69 AD, Agricola was a staunch supporter of Vespasian, who ultimately emerged victorious and became the Roman Emperor. Agricola's loyalty and commitment to Vespasian was unwavering, and his support was instrumental in Vespasian's successful bid for the throne. As a reward for his loyalty, Vespasian appointed Agricola to the position of Governor of Britain, where he served from 77 to 84 AD.

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6. Gnaeus Julius The Roman General who conquered Britain

In the year 85 AD, Gnaeus Julius Agricola was appointed to command a Roman legion in Britain. This was a significant moment in history, as it marked the beginning of the Roman conquest of Britain. Agricola was a highly experienced military commander, having served in Britain before and having led campaigns in Germany and Gaul. He was a skilled tactician and strategist, and his appointment to command a legion in Britain was a testament to his abilities. His leadership of the Roman forces in Britain would ultimately lead to the successful conquest of the island.

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7. Agricola, Roman governor of Britain, successful in conquering island

In 78 AD, Agricola was appointed governor of Britain after a three-year stint as governor of Aquitania, a region located in the south-east of France. Prior to his appointment, he had spent some time in Rome, where he had been preparing for his new role. As governor of Britain, Agricola was responsible for the Roman conquest of the island, which included the establishment of forts and roads, as well as the introduction of Roman culture and language. His efforts were so successful that he was later hailed as one of the most successful Roman governors of Britain.

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8. Agricola Retired from Military and Public Life in 85

After an impressive tenure of almost a decade, Agricola was recalled from Britain in 85 and retired from both military and public life. His service was remarkable for its length, as it was unusually lengthy for the time. After his retirement, Agricola devoted himself to writing and studying, and his works are still studied today.

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9. Domitian orders the recall of General Agricola from Britain

The Roman Emperor, Domitian, was so threatened by the successes of General Agricola that he ordered his recall from Britain. Agricola had achieved such great victories in Britain that they outshone even the Emperor's own modest successes in Germany. This was a huge blow to Domitian, who was determined to be seen as the most powerful leader in the Roman Empire.

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10. Emperor Domitian: No Proof of Agricola Poisoning

Rumors of foul play swirled around Agricola's death, with many believing that the Emperor Domitian had poisoned him. However, no concrete evidence was ever found to support this claim.

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Short about Agricola
was a Gallo-Roman general responsible for much of the Roman conquest of Britain.

