1. Eskimos Use Refrigerators to Preserve Their Traditional Diet
In order to prevent their food from freezing, Eskimos use refrigerators, which are essential for preserving their traditional diet. This is especially important in the Arctic, where temperatures can drop to -40°C. Refrigerators are used to store a variety of food items, including fish, seal, and whale meat, as well as fruits and vegetables. Without refrigeration, these items would quickly spoil in the cold temperatures. Refrigerators are an essential part of Eskimo life, allowing them to maintain their traditional diet and culture.
Also → Bananas: Not Grown on Trees!
Advertisement2. The Longest Banana Split Ever Made
On August 8th, 2015, a record-breaking banana split was created in the small town of Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania. Measuring an astonishing 732 cm in length, this banana split was the longest ever made. It was created by the local ice cream parlor, and featured over 500 scoops of ice cream, 500 bananas, and a variety of toppings. The event was attended by hundreds of people, and the banana split was enjoyed by all.
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3. 50 Tons of How Our Diet Impacts Our Lives
The average person consumes an astonishing 50 tons of food over the course of their lifetime! That's equivalent to the weight of five adult elephants, or the cargo capacity of a large truck. This staggering amount of food is enough to fill a swimming pool, and is made up of a variety of different foods, including fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy products. Eating a balanced diet is essential for maintaining good health, and it's important to remember that the food we eat has a huge impact on our lives.
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4. Beware the False Berry: Bananas, Cucumbers, and More
Did you know that bananas and cucumbers are actually classified as berries? While they may not look like the typical berry, such as a strawberry or raspberry, they are in fact part of the berry family. Bananas are classified as a 'false berry' due to their fleshy interior and thick skin, while cucumbers are classified as a 'pepo' berry, which is a type of berry with a hard outer rind and a fleshy interior.
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Advertisement5. Chocolate Records: A History of Innovation
In the early 1900s, a German company revolutionized the world of chocolate with their invention of edible grammofinskivor - fully playable chocolate records! These unique treats were made from the finest ingredients and could be enjoyed as a delicious snack while also providing hours of entertainment. The records were able to play up to three minutes of music, and were a hit with both children and adults alike.
Also → Elephants need to consume a lot of food and drink water to survive
6. Chocolate over Sex?
It appears that British women have a strong preference for chocolate over sex, as a recent survey has revealed that they would rather indulge in a sweet treat than engage in a romantic encounter. This is a surprising result, as chocolate is typically seen as a guilty pleasure, while sex is often viewed as a natural and enjoyable activity. However, it appears that the British women surveyed would rather satisfy their cravings for chocolate than their desires for intimacy.
Also → Cherries: Sour or Sweet?
7. Coca-Cola: The Soft Drink That Contained Cocaine
Coca-Cola has a long and storied history, and one of its most interesting facts is that it originally contained cocaine. The soft drink was first created in 1886 by John Pemberton, a pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia, who combined coca leaves and kola nuts to create a syrup that was then mixed with carbonated water. The coca leaves used in the syrup contained cocaine, and the drink was marketed as a tonic that could cure headaches and other ailments. It wasn't until 1903 that the cocaine was removed from the recipe, and Coca-Cola was sold as a refreshing beverage.
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Advertisement8. Stamps: A Surprisingly Calorie-Dense Item
Did you know that the adhesive on stamps contains a surprisingly high amount of calories? In fact, each stamp contains anywhere from 2 to 8 calories, making it a surprisingly calorie-dense item. This is because the adhesive is made from a combination of sugar and water, which are both calorie-dense ingredients. So the next time you lick a stamp, you can rest assured that you're consuming a few calories!
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9. Japan's Unique Square Watermelons
In Japan, you can find watermelons that are grown in the shape of a cube! This unique type of watermelon is grown by farmers in Japan who use specialized molds to shape the watermelons as they grow. The square shape makes them easier to stack and store, and they are often used as a decorative item in Japanese homes. The square watermelons have a slightly different taste than regular watermelons, and they are often served as a dessert or snack.
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10. Cuba's Sugar Addiction
The average Cuban consumes an astonishing amount of sugar each day - approximately 250 grams, or a quarter of a kilo. This is more than double the amount of sugar recommended by the World Health Organization, which suggests that adults should consume no more than 10% of their daily calories from added sugars. This high sugar intake is likely due to the prevalence of sweetened drinks and desserts in Cuban cuisine, as well as the country's long-standing tradition of adding sugar to coffee and tea.
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