1. A Revolutionary Leader and Founding Father
John Adams was born on October 30th, 1735 in the small town of Braintree, Massachusetts. He was the eldest of three children born to John Adams Sr. and Susanna Boylston Adams. Adams was a prominent figure in the American Revolution, serving as the first Vice President of the United States and the second President of the United States. He was a key figure in the drafting of the Declaration of Independence and was a major advocate for the American Revolution. Adams was a strong proponent of the federal government and was instrumental in the establishment of the United States Constitution.
Also → John Quincy Adams: A Life in Pictures
Advertisement2. A Leader in the American Revolution, and in Boston History
John Adams, the second President of the United States, is remembered for his role in the American Revolution, but he also made a significant contribution to the history of Boston. In 1770, he famously defended British soldiers accused of killing five colonists in the Boston Massacre. Adams argued that the soldiers were provoked and acted in self-defense, and he was able to secure acquittals for six of the eight soldiers. His defense of the British soldiers was a controversial move at the time, but it demonstrated his commitment to justice and the rule of law.
Also → Four Presidents from Massachusetts
3. John Adams Was a Pivotal Figure in the American Revolution
John Adams was a pivotal figure in the American Revolution, playing a major role in both the First and Second Continental Congresses of 1774 and 1775. During these two meetings, Adams was instrumental in drafting the Declaration of Rights and Grievances, which outlined the colonists' grievances against the British government, and the Olive Branch Petition, which sought to reconcile the differences between the two sides. Adams also helped to organize the Continental Army and served as a delegate to the Continental Congress until 1777. His efforts during these two meetings were essential in laying the groundwork for the eventual independence of the United States.
Also → Thomas Jefferson: A Revolutionary Founding Father
4. John Adams Was an Essential Part of the American Revolution
John Adams was an integral part of the American Revolution, having been sent to France in 1778 and again in 1782 to help make the Treaty of Paris with Benjamin Franklin and John Jay. This treaty, which ended the American Revolution, was a monumental achievement for the fledgling nation, and Adams' diplomatic efforts were a key factor in its success.
Also → Bryan Adams: The Voice of a Generation
Advertisement5. Abigail Adams: First Lady Who Supported Benjamin Franklin
John Adams' wife, Abigail Adams, was a trailblazer in her own right. She was the first First Lady to publicly support Benjamin Franklin, a Founding Father and one of the most influential figures of the American Revolution. Abigail's support of Franklin was a bold move, as it was not a popular opinion at the time. Her support of Franklin was a testament to her own strength of character and her commitment to the ideals of the Revolution.
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6. Two Opponents Elected President in Same Year
In 1796, John Adams was elected as President of the United States, with Thomas Jefferson's political opponents as Vice President. This marked the first and only time in American history that two political opponents held the two highest executive positions in the country simultaneously. Adams and Jefferson served together for four years, a unique and unprecedented event in the history of the United States.
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7. John Adams Was an Incredible Vice President and Leader of the Senate
John Adams was an incredibly influential Vice-President and leader of the Senate, setting a record that has yet to be matched. During his eight years in office, he cast the tie-breaking vote at least thirty one times, a feat that has not been replicated since. His decisive action and leadership in the Senate was a major factor in the success of the early United States government.
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Advertisement8. The First President to End Slavery
John Adams was a trailblazer in many ways. Not only was he the first lawyer-president, but he was also the only one of the first five U.S presidents not to be a slaveholder. This was a remarkable feat, especially considering the fact that slavery was still legal in the United States at the time. Adams was a staunch advocate for the abolition of slavery and was a key figure in the movement to end the practice. His legacy as a leader in the fight against slavery is still remembered today.
Also → James Madison, Founding Father and 4th President of the United States
9. Adams Determined to Move Capital and Create Library of Congress
In 1800, John Adams made a monumental decision to move the capital of the United States to Washington DC. He also determined to create the Library of Congress, which would become the largest library in the world and serve as a repository of knowledge for the nation. Adams' decision to move the capital and create the Library of Congress would have a lasting impact on the nation and its citizens.
10. John Adams, Second President of the United States, Passes Away at 90
On July 14, 1826, John Adams, the second President of the United States, passed away at the age of 90. He was the first President to die on American soil, and his death marked the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Adams was a prominent figure in the American Revolution, and his death was mourned by many across the nation.
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