1. Unique Creatures With a Similar Gait to Humans
Gorillas are incredibly unique creatures, as they walk in a way that is both similar and different to humans. Rather than walking on their feet like humans, gorillas walk by putting their weight on their knuckles and arms, which are longer than their legs. This allows them to walk upright, just like humans, but with a slightly different gait. This adaptation has allowed gorillas to survive in their natural habitats for thousands of years.
Also → Dian Fossey: Gorilla conservationist who fought against tourism
Advertisement2. Gorillas have small brains, but are still intelligent
Gorillas are an impressive species, with males weighing an average of 600 lbs and females weighing between 200-300 lbs. However, despite their large size, their brains are surprisingly small, weighing only twenty ounces. This is a stark contrast to the average human brain, which weighs around three pounds. Gorillas are also known for their intelligence, with some even being able to learn sign language.
Also → Uganda: Protecting Mountain Gorillas from Extinction
3. Fascinating Vegetarian Primates
Gorillas are fascinating primates that live mainly on a vegetarian diet of fruits, vines, leaves, stems and bamboo. However, they do supplement their diet with occasional insects, snails and slugs, providing them with essential proteins and minerals. Gorillas are highly intelligent animals and have been observed using tools to forage for food, such as sticks to dig for termites and rocks to crack open nuts.
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4. Gorillas are Highly Social Animals
Gorillas are highly social animals, living together in groups of 5 to 9 known as 'troops'. Each troop is led by a dominant male, known as a silverback, who is responsible for the protection of the troop. The silverback is usually the oldest and strongest male in the troop, and is usually accompanied by several females and their offspring. The troop also includes several subordinate males, who are usually related to the silverback. The troop will stay together for many years, and the silverback will remain the leader until he is replaced by a younger, stronger male.
Also → Baboons: The Social Structure and Behavior of a Complex Species
Advertisement5. Gorillas are an incredible species
Gorillas are an incredible species, possessing highly developed senses despite their colorblindness. They communicate with each other through a variety of methods, including gestures, body language, and special vocalizations. These vocalizations can range from low grunts to loud barks, and are used to express a variety of emotions and intentions. Additionally, their sense of smell is so acute that they can detect the presence of other gorillas from up to two miles away. This impressive ability to communicate and sense their environment makes gorillas truly remarkable creatures.
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6. Active, Miles of Searching for Food
Gorillas are highly active creatures, with a strong desire to explore their environment. They are constantly on the move, travelling up to several miles each day in search of food. To ensure they get enough rest, gorillas will take several hours out of their day to rest in different nests, rather than sleeping in the same one every night.
Also → Chimpanzees are Highly Social Creatures
7. Gorillas Consume an Average of 44 Pounds of Food Per Day
Gorillas are voracious eaters, consuming an average of 44 pounds of food per day! This includes a variety of vegetation such as leaves, stems, fruit, flowers, bark, and even insects. They also have been known to eat soil and clay, which helps them digest their food and absorb minerals. Gorillas are primarily herbivores, but they have been known to occasionally eat small animals such as rodents, birds, and eggs.
Also → Kangaroos in Groups
Advertisement8. 18-month-old gorillas cling to their mothers' backs
A mother gorilla's bond with her offspring is incredibly strong; she will carry her baby for up to 18 months, even though they are capable of walking at just 5 months old. This is a remarkable feat of strength and devotion, and demonstrates the deep connection between mother and child in the gorilla family. During this time, the baby gorilla will cling to its mother's back, learning and growing in a safe and secure environment.
Also → Hippopotamuses: The Social Creatures
9. Silverback gorillas lead the pack
Gorillas are highly social animals, with the silverback male leading the group. The silverback is easily identifiable by the distinctive silver streak of hair running down its back, which is why it is given its name. As the leader of the group, the silverback is responsible for protecting the group from danger and ensuring the group's safety. It also plays an important role in the social dynamics of the group, mediating disputes and ensuring that the group remains cohesive.
Also → Lemurs: Highly Social Animals Living in Groups
10. 40% of gorillas die in their first two years
Gorillas are highly vulnerable creatures, with a mortality rate of 40% in the first two years of their life. This is largely due to their susceptibility to illnesses, as well as the threats posed by habitat loss and poaching. Unfortunately, these threats are becoming increasingly common, making it difficult for gorillas to survive in the wild. Conservation efforts are essential to ensure the survival of these majestic animals.