1. Miserable but Magnificent
Walruses are majestic creatures that inhabit the cold Arctic and sub-arctic regions of the world. They are well-adapted to the frigid temperatures, having thick layers of blubber and fur to keep them warm. Walruses are also well-known for their large tusks, which they use to break through ice and to defend themselves. They are social animals, often gathering in large groups on the shorelines of the Arctic Ocean. Walruses are an iconic species of the Arctic, and their presence is a reminder of the beauty and fragility of this unique environment.
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Advertisement2. Walruses are Unique Marine Mammals That Can Walk on All Fours
Walruses are a cinnamon brown color, and their hind flippers are incredibly versatile. Not only can they be used for swimming, but they can also rotate under the walrus' pelvis, allowing them to walk on all fours on land. This unique adaptation gives walruses the ability to move around on land with ease, making them one of the few marine mammals that can do so.
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3. Walruses are Massive Marine Mammals
Walruses are truly impressive creatures, weighing in at an average of 2,000 to 3,000 lbs and reaching up to 12 feet in length. These massive marine mammals are the second-largest members of the pinniped family, with only the elephant seal being larger. Walruses are found in the Arctic Ocean and its surrounding seas, and are known for their long tusks and whiskers.
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4. Walruses Have Some Incredible Tusks
Walruses are remarkable creatures, with both males and females possessing large tusks that can reach up to 3 feet in length. These tusks are incredibly versatile, serving a variety of purposes such as cutting through ice, helping them to get out of the water, and providing them with a means of defense.
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Advertisement5. Walruses are one of the most voracious eaters in the Arctic
Walruses have an impressive diet that consists of mussels, clams, mollusks, sea cucumbers, and other benthic organisms. They use their long, sensitive whiskers to locate these bottom-dwelling creatures, which they then scoop up with their powerful tusks. Walruses are able to consume up to 4,000 clams in a single feeding session, making them one of the most voracious eaters in the Arctic.
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6. Walruses are social animals that congregate in large herds or pods
Walruses are incredibly social animals, often congregating in large herds or pods of up to several thousand individuals. They are incredibly vocal, making loud bellowing and whistling noises, and can often be seen cramming onto beaches and ice floes in huge numbers. Walruses are highly social creatures, and their large gatherings are a sight to behold.
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7. Walruses Protect Their Young
The walrus is a formidable creature, but when threatened, they will stampede for open water, often crushing their own calves in the process. This is why female walruses and their calves tend to form separate herds, so that the calves are not in danger of being trampled by their own parents. This behavior is a testament to the walrus' strength and power, but also to their instinctive need to protect their young.
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Advertisement8. Walruses are Amazing Creatures That Use Their Senses to Survive
Walruses are fascinating creatures that spend two-thirds of their lives in the water. Despite their poor eyesight, they have highly developed senses of hearing and smell, allowing them to navigate and hunt in the depths of the ocean. They are able to detect prey from up to two miles away, and can even detect changes in water pressure and temperature. This remarkable ability to sense their environment has enabled them to survive in the harsh conditions of the Arctic for centuries.
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9. Female walruses spend 15-16 months gestating their young
Female walruses spend an incredible 15-16 months gestating their young before hauling out onto the ice to give birth. During this time, the female walrus will feed heavily on shellfish and other marine life to build up the necessary fat reserves to sustain her and her calf during the nursing period. After the calf is born, the mother will remain on the ice with her calf for several months, teaching it the necessary skills to survive in the wild.
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10. Female walruses give birth to a single calf
Female walruses give birth to a single calf, which typically weighs between 99 and 165 lbs at birth. The calf grows rapidly, nourished by its mother's milk, and can double its weight in the first month of life. Walruses are known for their impressive growth rate, with calves reaching up to 1,000 lbs by the time they are two years old.