1. Explore Museums & Architecture
Madrid is a bustling metropolis, ranking as the third largest city in the European Union. Its metropolitan area is also the third largest in the EU, making it a major hub of activity and culture. With its vibrant nightlife, world-class museums, and stunning architecture, Madrid is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience the best of Europe.
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Advertisement2. A City with a Long and Fascinating History
Madrid has a long and fascinating history, with evidence of human occupation dating back to prehistoric times. The first written records of the city come from around the 9th century, but archaeological evidence suggests that the area has been inhabited since much earlier. Remains of Bronze Age settlements have been found in the area, and the city has been continuously occupied since then. Madrid is a city with a rich and varied past, and its long history is still visible in its architecture and culture today.
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3. The Vibrant City of a World-Class University
The vibrant city of Madrid is home to the Complutense University of Madrid, one of the oldest universities in the world and the largest university in Spain. Founded in 1293, the Complutense University of Madrid has a long and distinguished history, and is renowned for its excellence in teaching and research. With over 86,000 students, the university is a major hub of activity in the city, and its influence can be felt throughout Madrid.
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4. 300K Trees, World's Greenest City
Madrid is a city that takes its environmental responsibility seriously. As of 2010, it was one of the greenest places in the world to live, with an impressive 300,000 trees planted in neat rows along its streets. This impressive feat of urban forestry has helped to make Madrid a more pleasant and healthy place to live, providing shade and oxygen to its citizens.
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Advertisement5. Hidden Houses in A Unique Phenomenon
The vibrant neighborhood of Lavapies in Madrid is home to a unique phenomenon - 'hidden houses'. These are clandestine bars and abandoned spaces that host a variety of events, such as concerts, poetry readings, and other cultural activities. Despite their illegal status, these hidden houses have become a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, offering a unique and exciting experience in the heart of Madrid.
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6. Madrid's Nightlife is Out of this World
Madrid is renowned for its vibrant nightlife, with most activities not beginning until the late hours of the night. Bars and clubs are often bustling until the early hours of the morning, with some staying open until 6 A.M. for those who want to keep the party going. Whether you're looking for a lively atmosphere or a more relaxed evening, Madrid has something for everyone.
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7. National Library of Spain in Madrid
Madrid is home to the National Library of Spain, the largest library in the country, boasting an impressive collection of over 26 million items. Spanning a wide range of topics, from literature to science, the library is a treasure trove of knowledge and a must-see for any visitor to the city.
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Advertisement8. Madrid's Cats
The residents of Madrid are affectionately known as 'gatos', a nickname that dates back to 1083 when the city was being reconquered. Legend has it that a brave teenager scaled the city walls with a rope, helping the soldiers to reclaim their city. This heroic act has been remembered for centuries, and the people of Madrid are proud to be known as 'gatos' in honour of the brave individual who helped to liberate their city.
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9. Madrid's Name: Ursaria, Strawberry Tree, and More
The city of Madrid has a fascinating history behind its name. It is believed that the original name of the city was 'Ursaria', which is Latin for 'land of the bears'. This name is thought to have been combined with the Spanish word 'madrono', meaning 'strawberry tree', to form the emblem of the city. This combination has been the source of some controversy, as some believe that the original name of the city was not 'Ursaria'. Nevertheless, the combination of 'Ursaria' and 'madrono' has become the emblem of Madrid, and is a reminder of the city's fascinating history.
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10. The Highest Capital City in Europe
Perched atop a plateau in the heart of Spain, Madrid is the highest capital city in Europe, standing at an impressive 667 meters above sea level. This lofty elevation gives the city a unique atmosphere, with a mild climate and stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Madrid is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city, with a rich cultural heritage and a wealth of attractions to explore. From the iconic Plaza Mayor to the world-famous Prado Museum, Madrid is a must-visit destination for any traveler.