1. City of Destruction, Rebirth
Moscow has a long and tumultuous history, with the city being burned to the ground on three separate occasions. The first instance was in the late 1230's, followed by 1571 and then again in 1812. Each time, the city was completely destroyed, leaving behind only charred ruins. Despite these devastating events, Moscow has managed to rebuild itself and become one of the most populous cities in the world.
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Advertisement2. Moscow is a green city with plenty of parks
Moscow is renowned for its lush green spaces, with an impressive 27 square meters of parks per person - far more than the 8.6 square meters per person in New York and 6 square meters per person in Paris. This makes it one of the most 'green cities' in the world, providing its citizens with plenty of opportunities to enjoy the outdoors.
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3. Moscow is home to 500 Olympic champions!
Moscow is a city with a rich history of Olympic champions. As of 2005, the city was home to more than 500 Olympic champions, making it one of the most successful cities in the world when it comes to producing Olympic champions. This impressive feat is a testament to the city's commitment to excellence in sports, and its dedication to providing its citizens with the best possible opportunities to succeed.
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4. Moscow has a lot of parks and gardens!
Moscow is a city of green spaces, boasting an impressive 96 parks, 18 gardens, and 4 botanical gardens. The Moscow Zoo is a popular attraction, home to over 6,500 specimens of animals, birds, and reptiles. These parks and gardens are carefully protected natural environments, providing a peaceful oasis in the bustling city.
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Advertisement5. A bustling metropolis with a thriving economy
Moscow is a bustling metropolis with a thriving economy. It is one of the largest municipal economies in Europe, and its unemployment rate is an incredibly low 1% as of 2010. This is the lowest unemployment rate in all of Russia, making it an attractive destination for job seekers. With its bustling economy and low unemployment rate, Moscow is a great place to live and work.
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6. Moscow's Cost of Living is on the Rise
The cost of living in Moscow is on the rise, with the price of living in a prestigious area reaching an average of $6,500-$8,000 per square meter. This is a significant increase from the past, making it increasingly difficult for people to afford to live in the city's most desirable areas. As a result, many people are being forced to look for more affordable housing options, such as apartments in the suburbs or smaller towns outside of Moscow.
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7. Moscow's Complex Road System
Moscow's road system is a complex network of five concentric rings that wind their way through the city. Starting from the innermost ring, the Garden Ring, the rings move outward in order of the Boulevard Ring, Third Transport Ring, Smaller Ring, and finally the Moscow Automobile Ring Road. Each of these rings serves a different purpose, with the Garden Ring providing access to the city's main attractions, the Boulevard Ring connecting the city's main streets, the Third Transport Ring providing access to the city's main highways, the Smaller Ring connecting the city's outer districts, and the Moscow Automobile Ring Road providing access to the city's outer suburbs. Together, these five rings form the backbone of Moscow's road system, providing access to all parts of the city.
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Advertisement8. The Most Expensive City in the World
Moscow is a city that is renowned for its high cost of living, with a 2013 survey ranking it as the second most expensive place to live in the world. This is due to the city's high demand for luxury goods, as well as its high cost of housing, transportation, and other essential services. Moscow is also known for its high wages, which can help to offset the cost of living, but it is still a city that requires a significant budget to live comfortably.
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9. Moscow's State Institute of International Relations
The Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) is a renowned school for international relations and diplomacy, located in the heart of Russia's capital city, Moscow. With a student body of around 4,500, MGIMO is one of the largest universities in the country and is renowned for its high-quality education and research in the fields of international relations, diplomacy, and foreign policy. It is also home to a number of prominent alumni, including several former Russian presidents, foreign ministers, and ambassadors.
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10. Moscow's State Library is a must-see for anyone visiting the city
The Russian State Library in Moscow is an impressive feat of architecture and knowledge, boasting an impressive 42 million items - making it the largest library in Russia and one of the largest in the world. It is a treasure trove of knowledge, containing books, magazines, newspapers, manuscripts, maps, photographs, and more. It is a must-see for anyone visiting Moscow, and a great place to explore the history and culture of the city.