Ten fun facts about Namibia

Ten fun facts about Namibia

1. A Country of Deserts and Wildlife

Namibia, a country located in Southern Africa, is home to the capital city of Windhoek, which translates to "windy corner" in Afrikaans. This is fitting, as nearly 80% of the country's terrain consists of deserts, making it one of the most arid countries in the world. Despite this, Namibia is home to a variety of wildlife, including the endangered black rhinoceros, and is a popular tourist destination due to its stunning landscapes and unique culture.

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2. A Country of Many Languages

In Namibia, English is the official language spoken by around 7% of the population, but Afrikaans is the most commonly used language, with German and other indigenous languages also spoken. This means that the majority of the population is able to communicate in multiple languages, making Namibia a culturally diverse and vibrant nation.

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3. The Ovambo people make up the largest ethnic group

In Namibia, the Ovambo people make up the largest ethnic group, comprising 50% of the population. Christianity is the predominant religion, with nearly 80% of the population practicing it, mostly Lutheranism. This is reflective of the country's colonial history, as Namibia was a German colony from 1884 to 1915. The Lutheran Church has been a major influence in the country since then, and continues to be a major part of the culture today.

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4. A Country with a Desert Climate

Namibia is a country with a desert climate that is hot and dry, with sparse and erratic rainfall. The hottest months in Namibia are from December to March, while the coastal areas experience the coolest temperatures. The dry climate is caused by the cold Benguela current, which flows along the Namibian coast and prevents moisture from the Atlantic Ocean from reaching the interior of the country. This current also creates a unique desert environment, with some of the world's oldest deserts, such as the Namib Desert, located in Namibia.

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5. A Dual Currency Country

Namibia is a country located in Southern Africa, and its official currency is the Namibian Dollar. However, the South African Rand is also accepted as legal tender in Namibia, making it a convenient option for travelers from South Africa. This dual currency system allows for a more efficient exchange of goods and services, making it easier for people to conduct business in Namibia.

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6. Namibia's Constitution: Environment Protected

On March 21, 1990, Namibia gained its independence and adopted a Constitution that was the first of its kind to include a provision for environmental protection. This groundbreaking document was a major milestone in the country's history, as it set a precedent for other nations to follow in terms of protecting the environment. The Constitution of Namibia is now seen as a model for other countries to emulate, and its environmental protection clause has been praised by many international organizations.

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7. Namibia's Amazing Natural Wonders

Namibia is home to the world's oldest desert, the Namib Desert, and the world's largest underground lake, Dragon's Breath. Located in Hariseb, Dragon's Breath is an incredible natural wonder, stretching over 4,000 feet in length and reaching depths of up to 300 feet. It is believed to have been formed over 2 million years ago, and is home to a variety of unique species of fish and other aquatic life. The lake is a popular tourist destination, offering visitors the chance to explore its depths and take in the breathtaking views of the surrounding desert.

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8. Namibia's Gibeon Meteorite Shower is the Largest Ever Discovered

Namibia is home to the largest meteorite shower ever discovered, the Gibeon meteorite shower, which was first found in 1838. This shower is made up of over 30,000 individual meteorites, which are believed to have originated from a single asteroid that broke apart in the atmosphere. The meteorites are composed of iron and nickel, and are estimated to be over 4 billion years old. The Gibeon meteorite shower is a remarkable discovery, and a testament to the geological history of Namibia.

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9. Namibia's Free-Roaming Cheetahs

Namibia is home to the world's largest population of free-roaming cheetahs, with an estimated 3,000 individuals living in the wild. This is a remarkable feat, considering that cheetahs are considered to be a vulnerable species, with their numbers declining in other parts of the world. The Namibian government has taken steps to protect the cheetah population, such as creating protected areas and implementing anti-poaching measures. These efforts have helped to ensure that the cheetah population in Namibia remains healthy and continues to thrive.

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10. Namibia's Economy is Supported by Imports

Namibia is a major exporter of a variety of goods, including gold, zinc, copper, diamonds, uranium, lead, processed fish, cattle and karakul skins. To support its economy, the country also imports machinery and equipment, petroleum products, fuel and chemicals. These imports are essential for the country's development, allowing it to produce and export the goods that are so important to its economy.

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Short about Namibia
Is located in Southern Africa and bordered on the north by Angola and Zambia, on the south by South Africa, on the east by Botswana and on the west by the Atlantic Ocean


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