1. Oklahoma City's Incredible Lake Collection
Oklahoma City is a unique destination, boasting more man-made lakes than any other state in America - an impressive total of over 200! These lakes provide a range of recreational activities, from fishing and boating to swimming and camping. With such a variety of lakes, Oklahoma City is the perfect place to enjoy the great outdoors.
Also → Oklahoma City Makes History with the First Parking Meter
Advertisement2. The Birthplace of the Shopping Cart
In 1937, the world's first shopping cart was invented and used by a local grocery store in Oklahoma City - Stanford Food Market. This revolutionary invention changed the way people shopped, allowing them to easily transport their groceries from the store to their homes. The shopping cart was a great success, and soon became a staple in grocery stores all over the world. To this day, Oklahoma City is remembered as the birthplace of the shopping cart.
Also → Tulsa, Oklahoma: The Birthplace of Route 66
3. The History of Parking Meters in Oklahoma City
In 1935, Oklahoma City made history by becoming the first city in the world to install parking meters. This revolutionary move was a major step forward in the development of modern parking systems, and it has since been adopted by cities all over the world. The parking meters in Oklahoma City were the first of their kind, and they allowed drivers to pay for the amount of time they spent in a parking spot. This system has since become the standard for parking in cities around the world.
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4. Two Unique Capital Cities: Oklahoma City and Indianapolis
Oklahoma City and Indianapolis are two of the few state capitals in the United States that include the state's name as part of the city's name. This is a unique feature that sets these two cities apart from the other state capitals. Oklahoma City is the capital of Oklahoma, and Indianapolis is the capital of Indiana. Both cities are located in the Midwest region of the United States and are home to a variety of attractions, including museums, parks, and other cultural sites.
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Advertisement5. The Oklahoma Governor's Mansion's Unique Pool
The Oklahoma City governor's mansion is home to a unique centerpiece - a swimming pool in the shape of the state of Oklahoma. The pool is made of concrete and is surrounded by a terrace and a garden. It is a popular spot for visitors to the mansion, who can take a dip in the pool and admire the intricate details of the state's outline. The pool is a reminder of the state's rich history and culture, and a symbol of the pride that Oklahomans have in their home.
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6. The Oil Well That Shaped Oklahoma City
Oklahoma City is unique in American history for having a working oil well on the premises of its capitol building. This is a remarkable feat, as it is the only capitol in the United States to have ever had an oil well in operation. The well was drilled in 1927 and was in use until the late 1980s, when it was finally capped off. The oil well was a source of pride for the city, and it was a reminder of the city's rich history in the oil industry.
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7. The History of WKY AM 930
Oklahoma City is home to the historic WKY AM 930, the first radio station to broadcast west of the Mississippi River. Established in 1922, WKY AM 930 has been a staple of the Oklahoma City community for nearly a century, providing news, music, and entertainment to the area. The station has been a leader in the radio industry, pioneering new technologies and broadcasting formats. Today, WKY AM 930 continues to be a major source of information and entertainment for the people of Oklahoma City.
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Advertisement8. The Story of Oklahoma City
Oklahoma City is named after the Choctaw people, a Native American tribe. The name is derived from the Choctaw words "okla" and "humma", which together mean "red people". This is a fitting name for the city, as the Choctaw people have a long and rich history in the area, and their culture and traditions are still celebrated today.
9. The Origins of the Twist Tie Machine
In Oklahoma City, the Sara Lee Bakery was the first to use the revolutionary machine that automatically applies twist ties to seal bread bags. This invention has since become ubiquitous across the United States, making it easier and faster to package bread for sale. The twist tie machine has been a major contributor to the success of the bakery industry, and it all started in Oklahoma City.
10. Oklahoma City's Neoclassical Capitol Building
The Oklahoma City Capitol Building, a stunning example of neoclassical architecture, was originally designed to include a dome, but it wasn't until 2002 that the dome was actually added. The dome, which stands at a height of over 200 feet, is made of steel and copper and is topped with a gold-leafed statue of the goddess of liberty. The dome is a beautiful addition to the building, which is now a National Historic Landmark.