1. Nixon's Legacy Still Lives On
On the 9th of January 1913, Richard Milhous Nixon was born in the small town of Yorba Linda, California. He would go on to become the 37th President of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1974. After leaving office, Nixon remained active in politics and public life until his death on April 22nd, 1994. His legacy is still felt today, with his name being synonymous with the Watergate scandal and his foreign policy initiatives still being studied and discussed.
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Advertisement2. Key Figure in the Development of U.S. Foreign Policy
Richard Nixon served as the Vice President of the United States from 1953 to 1961, during the Eisenhower administration. During this time, he was instrumental in the development of foreign policy, and was a key figure in the establishment of the United Nations. He also played a major role in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1957, which was the first federal civil rights legislation since Reconstruction. Nixon's tenure as Vice President was marked by his strong commitment to Cold War foreign policy, and his efforts to strengthen the United States' position in the world.
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3. Nixon's Early Career: A Look at His Education and Law Career
In 1934, Richard Nixon graduated from Whittier College with a Bachelor's degree, and three years later, in 1937, he completed his studies at Duke University School of Law, earning his Juris Doctor degree. This marked the beginning of a long and successful career in politics for Nixon, who would go on to become the 37th President of the United States.
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4. Nixon's Failed Harvard Attempt Didn't Stop Him From Becoming President
When Richard Nixon was offered a tuition grant to attend Harvard University, he was unable to accept the opportunity due to his father's poor health. As a result, Nixon had to take over the family grocery store, foregoing the chance to attend one of the most prestigious universities in the world. Despite this setback, Nixon went on to become the 37th President of the United States.
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Advertisement5. Nixon's Time in the Navy Formed Him into a Patriot
Richard Nixon served in the U.S Navy for a number of years, beginning with his appointment as an aide to the commander of the Naval Air Station in Iowa. After a successful stint in this role, he was promoted to the position of administration officer of the Alameda Naval Air Station in California, where he was responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the base. Nixon's time in the Navy was a formative experience for him, and it was during this period that he developed a strong sense of patriotism and loyalty to his country.
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6. Nixon Vindicated: Proved Anti-Communist Reputation
In 1948, Richard Nixon made a name for himself when he investigated and broke the Alger Hiss spy case as a member of the House Un-American Activities Committee. His investigation revealed that Hiss had been a Soviet spy, and the case was a major factor in Nixon's rise to national prominence. It also helped to fuel the anti-communist sentiment of the time, and Nixon's reputation as a staunch anti-communist was solidified.
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7. Nixon's 500,000-vote victory
In the 1968 Presidential election, Richard Nixon faced off against Hubert Humphrey and George Wallace in a three-way race. Despite the close competition, Nixon emerged victorious, winning by a staggering 500,000 votes over Humphrey. This was a major victory for Nixon, who went on to become the 37th President of the United States.
Also → Lyndon B. Johnson: 37th VP, Passed Civil Rights Act of '64
Advertisement8. 37th President Nixon Sworn In by Chief Justice Warren
On January 20th, 1969, Richard Nixon was sworn in as the 37th President of the United States by Chief Justice Earl Warren, who was not only a political rival of Nixon's but also a long-time adversary. This was a remarkable moment in history, as the two men had been at odds for years, yet here they were, standing together in the White House, with Warren administering the oath of office to Nixon. It was a powerful symbol of the peaceful transition of power in the United States, and a reminder that even the most bitter of political rivals can come together in the spirit of democracy.
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9. Nixon's Vietnam Strategy Successfully Ends War
During the Vietnam War, President Richard Nixon implemented the 'Vietnamization' strategy, which saw the gradual withdrawal of U.S troops and their replacement by Vietnamese forces. This strategy was designed to reduce the number of U.S casualties and to give the Vietnamese people a greater sense of ownership over their own destiny. Nixon's plan was ultimately successful, with the last U.S troops leaving Vietnam in 1973.
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10. Richard Nixon's Memoirs: A Reflective Look at His Life and Career
In 1978, after retiring from politics, Richard Nixon published his memoirs, 'RN: Memoirs of Richard Nixon', which he had written himself. The book was a reflection of his life and career, and was met with both critical and commercial success. It was the first of several books Nixon wrote during his retirement, and was a testament to his legacy as one of the most influential figures in American politics.
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