1. Seattle, the city of Chief Sealth
Seattle, the largest city in the Pacific Northwest, was named after Chief Sealth, a leader of the Duwamish Native American tribe. Chief Sealth was known for his willingness to work with settlers, and his legacy lives on in the city's name. He was a respected leader of the Duwamish people, and his name is a reminder of the importance of collaboration between different cultures.
Also → Amazon, the world's largest online retailer, headquartered in Seattle
Advertisement2. The Birthplace of Starbucks and Amazon
Seattle is a city with a rich history of entrepreneurship and innovation. It is the birthplace of two of the world's most successful companies, Starbucks Coffee and Amazon.com, both of which have become Fortune 500 companies. Starbucks Coffee, founded in 1971, is now the world's largest coffeehouse chain, with over 30,000 stores in 78 countries. Amazon.com, founded in 1994, is now the world's largest online retailer, with over $280 billion in annual revenue. Seattle's success in producing these two iconic companies is a testament to the city's entrepreneurial spirit and its ability to foster innovation.
Also → Starbucks: A Global Phenomenon
3. Seattle's Houseboat Population: A Unique Way of Life
Seattle is a unique city, boasting the largest houseboat population outside of Asia. With over 500 houseboats, it's a sight to behold! These houseboats are more than just residences; they are a way of life for many Seattleites. From the iconic houseboats of Lake Union to the more modern vessels of Shilshole Bay, these floating homes offer a unique lifestyle that is both peaceful and convenient. Whether you're looking for a place to call home or just a place to relax and take in the views, Seattle's houseboat population is sure to provide.
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4. The 1962 World's Fair: A Century of Progress
The 1962 World's Fair, also known as the Century 21 Exposition, was held in Seattle, Washington and was a major event for the city. The iconic Seattle Space Needle was built specifically for the fair and has since become a symbol of the city. The fair was attended by over 10 million people and featured a variety of attractions, including the world's first computerized animated display.
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Advertisement5. The City That Gets More Rain Than Any Other
Despite its nickname, Seattle is not the rainiest city in the United States. In fact, many cities in the country have higher annual rainfall than Seattle. Despite this, the city is still known as "The Rainy City" due to its reputation for wet weather. Seattle receives an average of 37.49 inches of rain per year, which is slightly higher than the national average of 37.14 inches.
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6. Seattle's Influence on Jazz
Seattle has been a major player in American music history, helping to launch the careers of some of the greatest jazz musicians of all time, including Ray Charles and Quincy Jones. The city has long been a hub for jazz, with its vibrant music scene and numerous venues providing a platform for these artists to showcase their talents. Seattle's influence on jazz has been so profound that it has been dubbed the "birthplace of jazz" by some.
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7. Explore No Theme Park, Lots of Fun!
Nestled in the Pacific Northwest, Seattle is a unique city in that it is one of the few major cities in America that doesn't have a nearby theme park. This is due to the city's reputation for being too rainy for them to be profitable. Despite this, Seattle is still a vibrant city with plenty of attractions, from its iconic Space Needle to its bustling Pike Place Market.
Also → Washington, D.C. - The Rainy City
Advertisement8. The World's Longest Floating Bridge
The city of Seattle is home to the world's longest floating bridge, connecting the city to the town of Medina across Lake Washington. Spanning a total of 7,710 feet, the bridge is composed of 78 floating concrete pontoons, each weighing up to 6,000 tons, and is supported by over 1,000 anchors. The bridge is a marvel of engineering, providing a vital link between Seattle and Medina, and is a testament to the city's commitment to innovation and progress.
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9. The Klondike Gold Rush in Seattle
In 1897, Seattle was thrust into the spotlight as the center of transportation for the Klondike Gold Rush. The S. S. Portland, a steamship, docked in the city's harbor, carrying an estimated one ton of gold. This influx of wealth sparked a frenzy of activity in the city, as prospectors from all over the world flocked to Seattle to begin their journey to the Klondike.
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10. Seattle's Seismic History
The city of Seattle lies in a region of the world known as the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area renowned for its frequent seismic activity. This region is home to 452 volcanoes and is one of the most seismically active areas in the world, with over 90% of the world's earthquakes occurring here. Seattle itself has experienced several earthquakes in its history, including a magnitude 6.8 quake in 2001 that caused significant damage to the city.
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