Ten fun facts about Virginia Apgar

Image of Virginia Apgar

Ten fun facts about Virginia Apgar

Image of Virginia Apgar

1. "Revolutionary Apgar Score Reduces Infant Mortality"

In the 1950's, Virginia Apgar developed a revolutionary method known as the Apgar Score, which has since become the basis of neonatology and has helped to drastically reduce infant mortality. This scoring system assesses a newborn's physical condition in five areas: heart rate, respiration, muscle tone, reflexes, and color. By quickly and accurately assessing a newborn's health, the Apgar Score has enabled medical professionals to identify and treat any potential issues, leading to a significant decrease in infant mortality.

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2. Virginia Apgar Inducted into Women's Hall of Fame

In 1995, Virginia Apgar was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame in Seneca Falls, New York, an honor that recognizes the accomplishments of women who have made significant contributions to society. Apgar, an American obstetrical anesthesiologist, was best known for developing the Apgar score, a system used to assess the health of newborns. Her pioneering work revolutionized the field of neonatology and has saved countless lives since its introduction in 1952. Her induction into the National Women's Hall of Fame is a testament to her remarkable achievements and her lasting legacy.

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3. The Woman Who Saved Thousands of Newborns

Virginia Apgar was an American obstetrical anesthesiologist who made significant contributions to the field of neonatology. She was also the vice president for Medical Affairs for the March of Dimes Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the health of mothers and babies. During her tenure, she worked to reduce infant mortality rates and improve the quality of care for newborns. She also developed the Apgar Score, a system used to quickly assess the health of newborns. Her work has saved countless lives and continues to be used in hospitals around the world.

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4. Student Who Excelled in Academics and Sports

Virginia Apgar was an extraordinary student, excelling both academically and athletically. While attending college, she managed to juggle a variety of activities, including writing for the college newspaper, playing on seven different sports teams, and performing in the college orchestra on the violin. Despite the demanding schedule, she still managed to maintain exceptional grades.

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5. 9 Women In 1929: Virginia Apgar Pioneers In Medical Field

In 1929, Virginia Apgar was a trailblazer in the medical field, as she was one of only nine women to begin medical training at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. This was a remarkable feat, considering that at the time, women were not widely accepted in the medical profession. Despite the odds, Apgar persevered and went on to become a renowned anesthesiologist and neonatologist, making significant contributions to the field of medicine.

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6. Professor of Anesthesiology and Pioneer in Neonatology

Virginia Apgar made history when she became the first woman to hold a professorship at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons. As the professor of anesthesiology, she was a pioneer in the field of obstetrical anesthesia and developed the Apgar Score, a system used to assess the health of newborns. Her work revolutionized the field of neonatology and has saved countless lives.

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7. 17K Births and a Neonatal Milestone

By the late 1950's, Virginia Apgar had seen an incredible 17,000 births, making her one of the most experienced obstetricians of her time. Her expertise in the field of obstetrics was unparalleled, and her dedication to the safety and wellbeing of mothers and newborns was unwavering. Her pioneering work in the field of neonatology revolutionized the way newborns were cared for, and her Apgar Score is still used today to assess the health of newborns.

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8. Pioneering Medical Figure

Virginia Apgar was a pioneering medical figure who was widely recognized for her achievements. She was the recipient of numerous awards, including the Alumni Gold Medal for Distinguished Achievement, and was also named Woman of the Year by Ladies Home Journal. Her work revolutionized the field of obstetrics and neonatology, and her legacy continues to be celebrated today.

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9. Home Economics Failure

Despite her impressive academic achievements in science during high school, Virginia Apgar was not so successful in her home economics classes. Her friends often joked that she never learned how to cook, and she was known for her lack of culinary skills.

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10. " Pioneering Doctor for Gender Equality"

Virginia Apgar was a pioneering female doctor who was a firm believer in gender equality. She was a strong advocate for women's rights and believed that women should be liberated from the moment they are born. She was determined to prove that her gender would not be a barrier to her success and she achieved this by becoming one of the first female anesthesiologists in the United States. Apgar was also the creator of the Apgar Score, a system used to assess the health of newborn babies. Her legacy lives on today as a reminder of the importance of gender equality and the power of female ambition.

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Short about Virginia Apgar
An American obstetrical anesthesiologist.

